16 research outputs found


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    Hypertension in elderly people in Indonesia is included in the 10 countries with the highest prevalence in the world. This disease is controlled to prevent further complications. The juice of noni (morinda citrifolia) fruit can be used as a provision for lowering blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension in Durin Tonggal village, Pancur batu sub-district. Objective to determine the effect of noni juice on lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension. A Quasy Experiment study design with a population of 60 elderly with hypertension. The sample was taken by purposive sampling technique of 60 people divided into 15 people. The research instrument was the observation sheet. Data were analyzed with ∝0.05. The results of the experimental group research showed that the average pre TDS was 150.00mmHg, pre-TDD 90.00mmHg and TDS 200.00mmHG, and TDD 150.00mmHg. The results of the analysis and statistical tests obtained a systolic BP of 0.000 and a diastolic of 0.002 with a P value of <0.05, so Ho is rejectedmeaning that noni juice is effective in reducing blood pressure in the elderly

    Risk Factors Analysis for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in Medan, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) are one of the most common infections in health care caused by several risk factors. AIM: This study aims at analysing the risky factors triggering CAUTI. METHODS: This research was designed by applying prospective study. It was conducted from July to November 2018 by involving 82 patients attached to the catheter and treated in the General Hospital of Medan as the sample. The study instrument used observational sheets by measuring the occurrence of urinary tract infection using urine culture analysis ≥ 105 CFU/ml. RESULTS: The results showed that there was a relationship (p < 0.05) amongs age (p = 0.01; RR = 0.51), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.00; RR = 7.61), duration of catheterization (p = 0.00; RR = 0.01), indications for catheter use (p = 0.00; RR = 0.34) with CAUTI, and there were not significant relationship (p > 0.05) amongs genre (p = 0.06; RR = 1.72), drainage system (p = 0.43; RR = 0.43) and catheter care (p = 0.08; RR = 0.50) with CAUTI. Diabetes mellitus (p = 0.00; OR = 8.92 95% CI = 1.02-11.83) and duration of catheterization (p = 0, 00; OR = 32.84 95% CI = 3.81-322.74) were the most significant factor related to CAUTI. CONCLUSION: CAUTI is influenced by various factors, and it can be controlled by understanding those factors so that the right interventions to prevent the infections can be taken and the quality of nursing care can be increased as well

    Physical Activities and Incidence of Obesity among Adolescent in Medan, Indonesia

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a common problem among adolescents. The incidence of obesity is related to daily living activities. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between physical activity and obesity among adolescents. METHODS: This research was a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted in September 2017 until June 2018 at Junior High School in Medan, Indonesia. The sample of this study consisted of 114 adolescents with consecutive sampling. The study instruments measured four things in obesity indicators that are: Weight scales, microtoise for body height, body mass index, and physical activity questionnaire for older children. The value validity test value of content validity index 1. Cronbach’s alpha reliability tested to value 0.88. The data areanalyzed using the Chi-square statistical test. RESULTS: The result showed that the adolescents whodid a moderate physical activity as many as 71 respondents (62.30%), mild physical activity as many as 35 respondents (30.70%), and heavy physical activity as many as eightrespondents (7.00%). The incidence of obesity in this study showed that 80 (70.20%) of respondents were not qualified as obese and 34 (29.80%) respondents were obese. There was a correlation between physical activity and obesity among adolescents withp = 0.00 (p <0.05). CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the importanceof physical activityassessmentsby the students for the early detection of obesity risk in the future. In addition, it is need to provide health education to adolescents about the importance of daily physical activity with routine activities, such as exercises and sports


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    Hypertension is a state of increasing blood pressure beyond normal limits. Hypertension is often accompanied by symptoms that cause discomfort to the sufferer. The symptoms experienced are headache, palpitations, difficulty breathing, fatigue and blurred vision. To lower blood pressure to reduce the symptoms felt can be done by using noni fruit. Iuni action is very practical, cheap and easy and can be done by everyone. This action is still rarely performed by patients in the community when experiencing increased blood pressure. The service was carried out on 15 people who had hypertension. The service implementation team provided training on how to process noni in the work area of ​​the Patumbak Health Center. The team made home visits as an evaluation of the service program. The outreach activities went smoothly. There were 5 patients who asked about the counseling material. The importance of conducting regular outreach activities to the community about other complaints they suffer to improve their health status


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    Hypertension is blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. Hypertension, which generally has no known symptoms, which often affects a person, can be reduced or treated using herbal therapy, one of which is giving boiled water from binahong leaves to people with hypertension. Binahong leaves (Anredera cordifolia) are herbal leaves containing nitric oxidants and saponins that stabilize blood flow that carry nutrients to every cell tissue and lower cholesterol levels, as antioxidants, antivirals, anticarcinogens and lumen fermentation manipulators. This action is very practical, cheap and easy and can be done by everyone. This action is still rarely done by the public when experiencing increased blood pressure. This service was carried out on 10 elderly people who had hypertension and 15 people who did not have hypertension. The service implementation team provided training on how to make binahong leaf stew in Samura Kabanjahe village. Where Binahong leaves are very easy to get in this area. The team made home visits as an evaluation of the service program. The outreach activities went smoothly. There are some elderly asking about counseling material

    Pengaruh Terapi Musik Klasik Terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan Pada Pasien Hemodialisa Di RSU Sembiring Deli Tua Serdang.

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    Meinurut World Heialth Organization (WHO) tahun 2018 Heimodialisis (cuci darah) adalah proseis peimisahan (peinyaringan) sisa-sisa meitabolismei meilalui seilaput seimipeirmeiabeil di dalam dialiseir meisin dialysis. Data Riseit Keiseihatan Dasar (Riskeisdas) tahun 2018, meinunjukkan bahwa preivaleinsi peinduduk Indoneisia yang meindeirita gagal ginjal seibeisar 0,2% atau 2 peir 1000 peinduduk dan preivaleinsi gagal ginjal kronik seibeisar 0,6% atau 6 peir, 1000 peinduduk dan pada tahun 2018 seibeisar 98% peindeirita gagal ginjal meinjalani teirapi heimodialisis dan 2% meinjalani teirapi peiritoneial dialisis (PD) (Keimeinkeis RI, 2018). Peineilitian ini beirtujuan untuk meinganalisis peingaruh teirapi musik klasik teirhadap peinurunan tingkat keiceimasan pada pasiein heimodialisa. Peingkuran akan dilakukan deingan meimbandingkan seibeilum dilakukan teirapi musik klasik (preiteist) deingan seisudah dilakukan teirapi musik klasik (postteist). Beirdasarkan peineilitian dari hasil uji peingaruh signifikan teirapi musik klasik teirhadap peinurunan tingkat keiceimasan pada pasiein heimodialisa di Rumah Sakit Umum Seimbiring Deili Tua Tahun 2023.  Beirdasarkan Data Obseirvasi meinunjukkan bahwa dari 27  reispondein yang meingalami Tingkat keiceimasan seibeilum dilakukan teirapi musik klasik seidang beirjumlah 8 orang (29,6%) dan tingkat keiceimasan beirat beirjumlah 19 orang (70,4%). Adapun seisudah dilakukan teirapi musik klasik beirdasarkan obseirvasi dan koeisioneir meinunjukkan bahwa dari 27 reispondein, Tingkat keiceimasan seisudah dilakukan Teirapi Musik Klasik adalah tidak ceimas beirjumlah 2 orang (7,4%),  ceimas ringan beirjumlah 9 orang (33,3%), ceimas seidang beirjumlah 14 orang (51,9%), ceimas beirat beirjumlah 2 orang (7,4%). Ada peingaruh teirapi musik klasik teirhadap peinurunan tingkat keiceimasan pada pasiein heimodialisa di Rumah Sakit Umum Seimbiring Deili Tua Tahun 2023 deingan nilai signifikan 0,000 deingan Uji Parameitrik yaitu Uji-T.

    Komparasi UU no. 1 tahun 2015 dengan UU no. 14 tahun 2015 tentang pemilihan Kepala Daerah satu pasangan calon ditinjau dari fiqh siyasah

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    Kepaladaerah adalah orang yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pusat untuk menjalankan pemerintahan di daerah. Kepala daerah dalam konteks Indonesia adalah gubernur dan wakil gubernur, bupati dan wakil bupati, dan walikota dan wakil walikota. Sejak tahun 2005, pasangan kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dipilih melalui rakyat secara langsung melalui pemilihan umum. Penelitianiniberusahauntuk mengungkapkan bagaimana pengaturan dan mekanisme pemilihan kepala daerah satu pasangan calon. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian diperoleh dari data primer dan sekunder, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan mengumpulkan bahan-bahan primer maupun sekunder yang berkaitan dengan pemilihan kepala daerah dengan satu pasangan calon. Teknik analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis komparatif ataupun analisis perbandingan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya komparasi antara UU No. 1 Tahun 2015 dengan UU No. 14 Tahun 2015 mengenai pemilihan kepala daerah memiliki sisi persamaan. Dapat dilihat dari proses dengan tahap pertama mendaftarkan calon peserta, pelaksanaan terkait dengan surat suara, siapa yang memilih dalam pemilihan ini adalah rakyat karena kekuasaan tertinggi berada pada tangan rakyat, dan suara terbanyak harus mendapatkan suara lebih dari 50% dari suara sah. Namun yang membedakannya dalam UU No. 1 Tahun 2015 adanya pasangan calon harus diikuti dengan syarat dua pasangan calon, namun dalam UU No. 14 Tahun 2015 diperbolehkannya adanya satu pasangan calon dengan kondisi tertentu. Jika ditinjau dari fiqh siyasah terhadap pemilihan kepala daerah satu pasangan calon, dalam fiqh siyasah diperbolehkan dan sah adanya satu pasangan calon


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    Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that cannot be cured but can be controlled. To control diabetes mellitus requires knowledge and abilities from the community. In connection with the high incidence of diabetes mellitus in hamlet IV Sidodadi Village, it is necessary to carry out outreach activities regarding Increasing Knowledge about the Healthy Eating Index to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus. The foods that can be consumed at home as a way to prevent Diabetes Mellitus are foods made from whole grains or complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, baked potatoes, oatmeal, whole grain bread and cereals, replacing sugar with low-fat sweeteners. calories, lean meat steamed, boiled, grilled and grilled, vegetables processed by boiling, steaming, grilling or consumed raw, fresh fruit, nuts, including soybeans in the form of steamed, cooked tofu for soups and stir-fries, low-fat dairy products and eggs, fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel, if you adopt a healthy diet, your body weight will remain ideal, blood sugar levels will be stable, and you will avoid the risk of heart disease. The benefit of carrying out this service activity is that the residents of Dusun IV, Sidodadi Village understand more about diabetes mellitus properly and development in the health sector, especially the health of the elderly, improves as this activity is held